The Problems With Peeing On The Job

Potty humor. Literally. ;p

So, yes, seriously. I hate peeing at work. It's never easy.

And just to give a little explanation on the 2nd panel, if you're wearing a corset you have to take it off to take off your garter. And to take off your garter you have to take off the panties you're wearing over them. And to take down your second pair of panties you have to take down your garter and stockings...
It's a whole thing. Sometimes I have to strip 5 layers off just to pee. >_< And then I have to REDRESS from being butt-naked. It's a whole process. All while tottering in heels on slippery floors. Bah!

So, I'm not getting that many votes on my Threadless submissions and I admit I'm abit hurt. I know approximately how many of you there are and the votes are low. I wouldn't be irked but for something that only costs you 5minutes and no money you COULD all be paying my rent. Anyway, I don't mean to whine about it.
I REALLY appreciate you guys who did vote. You know who you are. You guys are AWESOME. <3

And I'm not gonna stop, despite the pithy turn-out on voters. I've submitted another design that I hope will do better! Would love for you guys to be kind and take a second to vote on this new one, too. :D


Faust's Girl said...

Its just as hard for me to wear lots of petticoats and the like and try and pee. I'm holding up layers of tulle and lace and all that and don't have a free hand for toilet paper much less reaching to wipe.
Oh the things we go through for beauty and kink

lokicobb said...

i kinda want the sin sisters as my next tat .. would you be cool with that ?

Anonymous said...

Oh man . . . you know, one of the many reasons I'd never dress noble - or, you know, female at all - at Renaissance faires is dealing with much the same issue. Especially the corset - for Ren faire, it'd be a bodice. Nope, not doin' it! But yeah, I HATE having to go to the bathroom at Ren faires because even dressing as a boy (my persona is a traveler, and since she's alone, it's safer for her to pretend she's a boy), I find myself preferring to strip off a good half my garb at my encampment before even using a stone priv (permanent building bathroom like at a state park), let alone a porta-a-priv.

LAUGHED pretty hard at the new t-shirt design. XD;;; Voted! 8D

Nic said...

Loki, Absolutely! All I ask is that you point the way to this comic if anyone asks about who the artist is. :)

Dragon & Loli, oh boy do I know how those things go, too!

I'm glad no one is super grossed out by this update. :) I was expecting some to be repulsed (I got some flack on the farting update) but seems more like people can relate!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it would help if you reminded them that it's free to sign up, and they get a 10% off code just for signing up. I gave you a 5$ rating. :) Good luck!

Nic said...

Thanks Frankie!
Alot of people don't care that it's free, they're just annoyed to have to go through a few minutes of process. :/ Part of me understands, part of me is hurt, but I understand the reality...

Kiryki said...

I'm a lurker, but I thought I'd drop you a note of encouragement and tell you I voted on your shirts and such. They're very, very cute. :3 So hiii.

And I'm right there with you on the heels problem. It's about the only time I'm grateful for the "chair height" toilets. XD

Nic said...

Thanks Kiryki!

I usually try to hover, too, making it extra tricky in heels!!!

Anonymous said...

I have that same problem just being super hippy, having large breasts, and wearing corsets. You sit down and suddenly you can't breathe or see over your own boobs. Lord help you if you needed to do anything but just sit there and look busty.


Anonymous said...

I know the corset problem, I had to modify mine so that I could curl them upwards when in the girl's room. Corsets and bathrooms are just not compatible.

Nic said...

Yea, sitting down in a corset is hell!

I can be comfortable as ever all strapped in and trotting around upright but sit down? No ma'am. Especially when I spend my entire work-day in a corset. Ooof! So uncomfy. :(

And with big hips like mine that spread out when I sit and the force of my compacting upper body putting all the weight down on the corset I get stabbed by the bottom of my boning.

human in pain said...

Hi Nic, I somehow managed to mess up with scoring on the sisters, my apologies. Have voted for the second one now and got it right :) Loving the strip, have recently read it all the way through. I gave my corsets away, for multiple reasons, the major one being that mobility problems and staying seated in a long corset was painful - on the tops of my thighs, ouch!

Goda said...

Oh, goodness, Nic dear. I made the mistake of needing to use the restroom that time I went with you to PAS and let me tell you, I spent more time trying to get everything cleaned up, as well as stand up, then I did actually peeing! And it's only now that you warn me about the dangers of a corset. I'd beat you, but... *wink*

Sincerely said...

do corsets prevent the use of the pull-over method??

Nic said...

I always wear two pairs of panties and then often have a body suit or stockings on besides so doesn't really work. :/

Josh said...

Yeesh, kinda surprised you've not wet yourself at least once, from what it sounds like, being so difficult to just sit down and let go...

Miss Kara said...

I'm sorry, Nik! Every time I try to log on to threadless it says an error occurred T_T For some reason it just won't let me vote! Which upsets me because I loved Sisters of the Same Sin...

Anonymous said...

Just got my first corset and discovered the problem you describe at the bottom of the panel. Love your comic. :)

Anonymous said...

I just have a under-bust. I voted on the t-shirt look. Will it be made to be sold? I have a sore back and it helps I found to give my back a break. I have also added lost of exercise to handle my core and back. I am surprised they don't raise up the toilet to make it more easy to sit down.

Nic said...

Josh, I'm not the type to wait till the last minute to pee. :) Plus, I've long been described by family and friends as a "camel."

Kara, no worries, it's probably because the voting has ended on that design. :/ And on that note, Leslie, it will NOT be made into a t-shirt as it did not receive high enough scoring. :(

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I totally feel the corset panel! Last year, I had my husband lace me up in my new corset...and I could not pee the entire day! Ok...I could...but it took about half an hour for me to do all the required maneuvering! As for breathing...I had to stop that for the day! Add in the very voluminous skirt I had on, and it was better to avoid liquids and bathrooms that day!

Miss Kara said...

Yay I got it working and voted for your new t-shirt!

Joshua Ludd said...

If it makes you feel any better Threadless voters seem to prefer stupidly clever pop culture references to anything with any actual good and original design.

Anonymous said...

Hallo! Just thought I'd drop a quick line to say "HI" and hope you're doing well.

Sorry I didn't do this through email but the link above is for a site I'm not familiar with and will have to wait till later to check out before joining. ^__^

Take care!

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