Counter-productive Kitties

I'm super stressed. *hyperventilates*
I've been really bogged down lately and therefore I feel like I have alot to tell you guys. This is another silly "excuse" for my lack of posts. But seriously... the cats won't leave me alone. Their favorite spots to sleep are on my laptop and sketchbook, but only when they're in my lap and I'm desperately trying to get things done. Or, really, ANYTIME I'm trying to get ANYTHING done.

Those bastards.

Anyway. They are alternately cute and annoying.

So, we're pet/house-sitting! The place is gorgeous but the kitties keep us up at night. I may have mentioned these guys before.... the fat one in the foreground is The Screecher. She is the culprit of the mental disaster I have been lately.

Also, I am trying to undertake about a million new business endeavors and having my fingers in so many pots (hehehehehehe) has worn me abit thin. The upside is I now have a number of new avenues to give me comic fodder.

Firstly, if you look over there to your left just below the donation banner you'll see a little button so that you can ring me up, now! So, yes, I'll be taking phone sessions. :) Haven't actually done it yet but I'm set and ready to go!

Secondly, I've joined a coupla different camsites! I won't be doing any nudity but I do dress up in saucy lingerie and dominatrix gear and I bring along some choice bdsm toys to spice things up so don't be afraid to come and chat at me, I spend almost all of my time in the free chat areas (until someone pulls me off for private.)
One thing, though, I politely request that if you pop on there you don't shout at me to show my tits the whole time. -_- Bleugh. I know it's bound to happen (fuck it already has a ton) but it's obnoxious and it's not gonna happen.
So, you can find me here and here if you wanna.
I will likely come off as abit corny but hey, what do you expect on a sexchat? (I guess you expect sex. Which I don't do. Man, I'm really bad at this whole sex-industry thing!!!)

Okay, so there's those. I'm also going to try to get started selling some photosets and maybe even some more illicit items (anyone want some stinky used socks?) and, of course, continue doing dungeon work as well.

So, I'm strapped. Add onto that that in about 2 months PrettyBoy and I need to commit to a new apartment and I've had alot on my mind (mostly money. Or... my lack of it...)

So! I'm actually trying to make myself a weekly schedule. And it's awful. It's like, work the dungeon these two days, do camwork these two days, spend this one day trying to do art and take calls at the same time and get one day off for normal shit like chores and TRYING to have some free-time.


Okay. Anyway. I guess after me being so absent you guys deserve a good ranting at.

My plan for the comic is to post a few more kitty complaints, some sketches about AdultCon (which went very poorly and I don't expect to ever work again) and then to just bombard you guys with FeaturedFetishes for awhile to catch-up.
Hope that's a'ight.

Also, I finally bought a jigsaw and I'm going to start producing pin-up cut-outs and I'll feature them on here for sale as well as trying to get them into galleries so... hopeful and excited for that!

Okay, more for you all later.


Anonymous said...

The photo of the cats makes me think of Lady and the Tramp "we are siameeeese if you pleeaaaase! Mrow!"

Nic said...

Ha! I was going to link to that! They are JUST LIKE THAT. Disney speaks the truth!!!

Shelby said...

I'm just glad to see any sort of update at all. Your one of my favorite artists on the web and I love reading your stuff.

Good for you doing some side work! Any girl who is confident enough to do cam-work gets a thumbs up from me. I'm pretty sure my parents and boyfriend would slaughter me if I ever did anything like that.

Can't wait to here more from you and I might even stop by in one of your chats just to say hi. ^^ i'm kinda a fan-girl of yours!!!

Chevette Girl said...

Glad to see you finding time to post again, looking forward to more featured fetishes! Laughed out loud at your comment "Man, I'm bad at this whole sex-industry thing!!!" Do what you do, and if you can get paid for it, BONUS.

Pumpkins said...

lmaaoo siamese cats are obviously terrorists in disguise! xD and wouldn't you say you have all the irons in the fire. All of them! sorry reference to another webcomic T_T

anyway, that sounds like alot of work!

Anonymous said...

Awwww!! no more adultcon?! what happened?

Jochannon said...

Our cats are exactly the same: I need to put up a barbed-wire fence to get any writing done!

flamewolf said...

Bejeezus those are some big cats.

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