Holyshit this post took me DAYS to construct.
Please, please, if you would oblige me, please read my whole post. I am asking for things but not without return. :)
First things first, this was actually a commission that I am using here with permission. :) Thanks to the reader who came up with the idea! I've been slaving away at commissions for awhile now but I imagine there are worse things. ;)
I'm afraid, my friends, it's time for me to ask something of you all. If you have the time or inclination watch this video, it's beautiful and interesting and very, very relevant:
As you all have heard from me, I'm laid up with this knee issue. That means I haven't worked in almost two months and I've been scraping by on rent and food and bills etc. My savings are dwindling very rapidly...
Please don't tune me out, yet. I'm not asking for money for nothing (not that I'll turn it down!)
Before I proceed with this big, beggy post and before I get to "asking" I want you to know what any of your money donated has/will be going towards. Rent is obvious and so is food. Comon' you have to keep Nic's booty big and fat or the comic just won't be the same!!! But, also, I have medical bills cropping up and eating away at me. And there are many more to come. I have to give a HUGE shout out to NicBuxom reader Gomai who donated $500 so that I can get a discounted MRI of my knee! We worked something out in trade but he offered without me even having to ask and it means SO, SO much to me. I hope he realizes how grateful I am. You guys are all so wonderful to me. I don't know how to think him and other commissioners enough for their generosity. :)
Also, I have one last new cost.... PrettyBoy totalled my car. Yes, really... He's okay for the most part (afew scrapes and some issues with his wrist and joints) but my car is gone for good. Which means that even once I start walking and driving again I won't have a way to get to work. This is a huge issue and we need to buy me a new car so any money you guys send my way will also be going towards getting me mobile. And I'm not talking a brand new car... we're scraping the bottom of the barrel here and just trying to find a reliable little junker for $1500-$3000 but that is still alot of money with me out of work...
(And as an aside, while I am out of work PrettyBoy has been WORKING HIS ASS OFF. He is a self employed handyman and he's been busting ass to keep us both afloat. I have to give him kudos for being so overworked while I'm stuck on my ass at home.)
Those of you who have been kind enough to commission me have been truly keeping me alive and I thank you all so heartily for that. :) Sincerely.
And so, with commissions in mind I announce that I will be keeping the dicount commission prices open indefinitely. I don't know when I will get back to work and this is one way I can make money from home so PLEASE, don't be shy, take advantage. Many of you have already and I've truly enjoyed every commission. They've keep me busy and amused and I feel like I've been improving in leaps and bounds with all of the practice. I love it. So, commission away! (All
merch will stay on sale, as well!!!) If you'd like a commission then check out the
commission page for pricing and then write me at nic@nicbuxom.com and we'll work out the details!
Here is a wee peak, with permission, at some of the recent commissions:
And, of course, if you're feeling generous, there's always the donation button!
But that's not all. I've had to get innovative with how to keep afloat and so I have afew strange new ideas for you all to join in on!
Now, I don't know if this idea is going to work but it cannot hurt me to try!
I am cleaning closet on you guys. I have loads of nice things that I don't really NEED and so, if anyone is interested, I'd like you guys to have them. And at the same time you can help me out of this finacial bind (not the fun or kinky kind of bind sadly.) And that way I don't feel like I'm getting something for nothing. :)
I know many of these items are things you may be able to buy on your own online and whatnot (though some are one of a kind) HOWEVER if you buy them from me you getting the added benefit of really helping me survive. So, that's the incentive! It's so important to me.
And one last thing. If you buy ANY of the items I'm selling to raise money you will get a surprise sketch from me, signed. :) It's not as good as a full color commission or something but it will be completely unique and it will be the original copy so... why not!
I'll be sure to make each one something cute/weird. ;P
So, without further ado, items up for sale to help me live! The Benefit for the Booty sale! It's a little kinkier than a bake sale. ;P
Benefit the Booty!
All of the items, unless otherwise stated, are in good condition but keep in mind they ARE all used. These items are all things that have been mine for awhile and while I keep good care of them they ARE second hand. :) Though, as far as I'm concerned that could make them worth MORE to some of you pervy kinksters! ;P
Items include shoes, DVDs, lingerie, action figures, comics, jewlery, toys, books and more!
Also, shipping is included in the cost of everything so that we have flat rates on this stuff. Just leave me your shipping address.
But, if you live within LA I'm happy to hand deliver anything, as well! Just leave a note to me. :) PrettyBoy can drive me to ya!
And if you guys are creative thinkers like me and you have an idea for a trade or something we can work out together for me to make a little cash please don't hesitate to contact me! I'm happy to entertain other ideas. :)
And please, help me spread word to anyone you think may be interested in anything I'm offering here!
Well, that's all for now. I'm really grateful to any of you that help me in my endeavors to keep on despite my injury. I have an amazing readership and you all have always been so good to me. I will do my damndest to keep updating the comics here despite all of my commissions because I believe in keeping NicBuxom up, even if you can't afford to help me out. :3
Thank you all again, and keep kinky!