Ooookaaaaay. I have a feeling this one is gonna take a teensy, tiny bit of explanation for most of you. *ahem*
FIGGING is when you put ginger root in a bumhole... And... people do this because the ginger causes a very tingly, burny sensation.
Now, this is one of those requests that I vaguely considered not taking because it's a very invasive, penetrative fetish and I do NOT want this comic to be erotica or porn. That's not what it's about. I LOVE erotica and porn and maybe someday when I have more time I'll do more of it but NicBuxom is not the place.
Still, I think I achieved it in a way that's still funny and appropriate for this genre. I hope I'm right!
Okay. Yes. I really don't know what else to say on the matter of figging uuuhhmm... I've never done it! I've never been BIG into the butt stuff realm (or at least not on the penetrative front) and also... I hate ginger! Ha.
Alot of people will carve a little butt-plug type of tool out of a whole root to do this. I showed that here and just felt like doing a very domestic type of look for this one, I think it's cute! Also, as you see here expressed verbally, even after your remove the offending ginger you will STILL feel the sensation for awhile.
I'm feeling a strong urge to tell you people not to try this at home...
psh, more like DO try this at home :P. I find figging intriguing, and it's too bad theres only one decent video I can find of it online.
I happen to be big on the "butt stuff", but even with that, I've always been nervous to try figging. In fact, back when I was working on a dominant, that was one thing I never did to any client. (If I didn't feel I could do it on myself--to know what it was like--then I wouldn't do it to people that paid me to do anything to them.)
Hey, just read through your archives. You have a really amusing comic, I've haven't really come across anything like it. Most auto-bio webcomics that I've read turn into fantasy real quick. I enjoyed reading the comments just as much as the actual comic, and I almost never read the comments. I don't want this to turn into a long gushing post but I have a couple of quips and questions.
First, my condolences on the loss of your boss, that was a terrible thing. I can't imagine how hard it was to keep the comic moving after that, but you did it with humor and grace.
Second, congradulations on the "re-opening" last month. As a sexual introvert I'm really clueless about all of it, but I'm sure like any job you love it's great to "get back to it".
Third, and this has plaguing me since you introduced The Shocker;I know some of the Ladies read your comic, but do your clients know/read you comic? How do they feel about it?
As a "sexual introvert" it's been enlightening, lol.
Try this article! http://tacit.livejournal.com/225189.html I referenced it in my blog http://veronicavolt.wordpress.com/2011/02/27/ginger-figging-the-new-discipline-sensation-technique-bdsm/
I've used Tiger Balm for lube before and I love how it feels. It's not as strong as Ben-Gay but it's nice. Also isn't slippery like self-warming sex lube. It's awesome for butt stuff. I wanna try figging but I don't know anyone into it.
They use ginger enemas on Tennessee Walker horses to get better movement during the show ring. (Not positive on how legal this is anymore.) So, yeah, you're going to be doing a whole lot of wiggling if you shove ginger up your hole.
I'm definitely into the butt stuff and a finger of ginger up the butt while getting my ass turned red is an amazing feeling. I get this nice warm feeling throughout my body and then when you clench while getting spanked it gets more intense.
Everyone can have different experiences with it, some people I know said they didn't feel it at all and someone said it was too intense.
This reminds me of a terry pratchet book (yes i know -_-)
Commander of the watch shoves a palm full of ginger up a ox's deriere to make it go crazy. While attached to a yoke it was quite devastating.
Long time lurker first time poster. Thanks for the laughs Nic.
HAHAHA I was with some fellow kinksters today and that got brought into conversation. Great timing. I've seen people prepare for that type of play, yes its very intense and should be done very carefully.
Lots of thoughts on figging, who knew?
Also, to the Anon who had some great questions: I appreciate the kind words so much. I'm VERY excited for the new people I'm working with and the new place.
SOME clients do read this comic. I've told a few that are my friends and very open-minded and laid back. I had one of the girls be told about this comic by a client of hers just the other day!
However, I don't really mention this casually to most clients. It IS a comic that can poke fun at them at times and I'm not out to hurt anyones feelings or change anyones ways.
Also, even though I'm careful not to do names and likenesses and so nobody would EVER know it was them... I do talk in specifics sometimes about these guys very particular fetishes. There's no way they could ever be outed via this comic but some of our clients are VERY paranoid and shy and I'd rather not give them reason to stress out.
We ARE a business based on discretion but I think I toe the line very well and very carefully.
Also, TheShocker totally knows about it. :)
I've been afraid of figging ever since a friend first told me about it.
"It feels /really/ good after it stops burning."
"When is that?"
"After about 20 minutes or so."
Supposedly it can cause amazing orgasms. I, however, and not willing to find out if that's true.
-hugs nic- that... i'm not sure i'd do that with any of MY subs unless they asked for it. more begged for it. but it seems ... intresting... <3 the comic nic. i got a few featured fetishes i'd like to see, but i don't think ny would make it....
Model S, Thanks, you're always so sweet!
And please, ask away! We'll never know till you ask. :)
I'm guessing that the "domestic" / "mommy" look might become one of the FFs soon!
Figging can be more than anal penetration!
A section of that provides instructions for use on a male sub, and mentions use on the clitoris as opposed to the anus.
Eee. I love pickled ginger, but only on the front end of my alimentary canal. No matter how it was prepared, I doubt it would be pleasant down there, unless it was very carefully applied in places that AREN'T mucous membranes! (In case you couldn't tell, I'm not /much/ of a masochist even though I'm almost entirwly sub.)
Though I haven't had (and can't have; thanks, biology) experience with ginger as applied to the clitoris, that sounds like something something that would be very interesting for fifteen seconds and would leave a person whimpering their safe word for nineteen minutes and forty-five seconds.
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